GW2 Roller Beetle

From: $ 25.8

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Basic mount lvl 3
Basic Gliding Mastery
Unlock Living Season 4 Part 3


GW2 Roller Beetle

The Roller Beetle is a mount released with the Episode 3 of Living World Season 4, Long Live the Lich.

Mounts are creatures used to enhance travel through the open world of Tyria, the Crystal Desert and Cantha. They are available through the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire and Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons expansions. Two additional mounts can be obtained through the Living World Season 4, with the Roller Beetle being obtained in episode 3, Long Live the Lich, and the Skyscale in episode 6, War Eternal. The Warclaw is available exclusively through WvW. Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons added the Siege Turtle.

The Living World in Guild Wars 2 is ArenaNet’s official term for updates to the game intended to bring the world of Guild Wars 2 to life. Updates are added in the form of permanent (except for the original Season 1 releases) episodes, grouped within seasons similar to television. Each episode includes story missions and other content, including new maps, equipment, that tell the story of the continuing evolution of the world Tyria. roller beetle

The episodes serve as the ongoing storyline between expansions, detailing the effects of the previous expansion and leading into the next. New episodes are permanent and can be purchased and replayed at any time.

Initially, Living World releases were a mix of new story and new features. In Season 2, new features were dropped from Living World updates and were bundled together in releases like the April 2014 Feature Pack. Starting in Season 3, this has been reverted and new features are bundled into an update whenever they are ready.

Starting with Season 1, Living World episodes can be tracked in the Story Journal tab of the Hero panel.

Requirement : 

Basic mount lvl 3 Basic Gliding mastery unlock LS4 part 3

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Basic Mount Level 3, Ls4 Episode 3, Basic Gliding Mastery

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