Lost Ark : Endgame Daily Account Content- Things To Do

Lost Ark : Endgame Daily Account Content- Things To Do

Lost Ark is a game that has a pretty fast progress, yet pretty demanding. You are pretty much gated by materials and items, which means gathering and farming should be something you do every day to help gather items.  This is where daily account contents should be in mind. But what to do in your endgame state? 

1. Una’s daily task 

Some items that will gate your progression are obtainable from Una’s daily task. You can get Harmony shard, leapstone, guardian stones, etc.  But consider several daily Una’s tasks, such as replacement parts in Golden wave island, Where it belongs in Shushire’s frozen sea region, and Ride like the win in several islands. 

2. chaos and guardian dungeons 

This option is a bit more challenging, but the result is pretty good. You can run about two chaos dungeons per day for the best reward. Same as guardian, which allows you to get two harvests per day.   

3. hourly and daily reset quest

Daily and hourly reset guests allow you to do some missions quickly but with some rewards. You can complete multiple world bosses with a big reward once a day. You can get tier 1 mats in Lullaby island, get into chaos gate, co-op voyage mission, and so on. 

4. improving trade and rapport 

Doing something with trading and rapports should be ideal for you who want to keep developing your character. Trade skill is beneficial to max out your potential to earn max income from mining or cutting down trees. Rapport will do good if you focus on one or two characters for every task or quest.  

The idea of gathering items and get more for the future update can make Lost Ark a bit more repetitive. You have to do several things everyday to get the best items. You also need to consider several other things to work out to improve. 

Generally, it is pain in the ass to keep doing everything again and again. But every high tier reward come with higher challenge. If you are not into or cannot follow the rhythm, MMOPILOT offer you boosting services for what you need in Lost Ark.