Expertise Farm With Gypsum Crafting Guide – New World 

Expertise Farm With Gypsum Crafting Guide – New World 

As much as you grind in the New World, you will find that the use of gypsum is way more forgiving than the grind. Especially with the new patch, grinding is not the best option. Instead, you can gather gypsum orb and get the gypsum and its cast that reward you with expertise score and umbral shard. 

Obtaining 9 Gypsums 

Every type of gypsum needs different activities. Obsidian found in Elite landmarks or defeating 60+ level bosses, sapphire defeating final bosses of end game expeditions, Ruby completing outpost rush, emerald from trade skill aptitude, citrine from PvE Arena. 

Some other such as amethyst gypsum found in breach caches, topaz need Attunement Potion, diamond gypsums need Aeternum gathering found in seasonal events, and garnet is in 3v3 PvP arena.    

Gypsums To Orb To Casts 

Gathering the gypsums is just the start. You need to turn the raw gypsums material into an orb, which later turned into a cast for the final function. The good thing is, you can buy 2 gypsum orbs each day from the faction vendor. But it is limited. 

To make each 1 gypsum orb, you need 3 obsidian and diamond, 1 sapphire, ruby, emerald, citrine, and garnet. For topaz you need 5 gypsum and amethyst 7 gypsums. Every one orb can give you one cast.  

Crafting Orb And Cast 

You can only craft the orb or cast the gypsum using a kiln found in several spots in the game. The kilns are mostly found in the end game zones. The places are reekwater settlement, ebonscale reach settlement, edengrove outpost, shattered mountain outpost, and great cleave outpost. 

At the end of the day, you will find yourself playing this game grinding to get enough gypsums. It is a similar game concept like many other MMORPG, which make the New World more challenging. But if you need some help, check out our MMOPILOT game booster for more options.