WOTLK Power Leveling – Guide To Level Up Faster

WOTLK Power Leveling – Guide To Level Up Faster

Reaching up as the second expansion of the massive MMORPG, World of warcraft Wrath of the lich king is getting more and more complex. The game has several new mechanisms, which add more immersion to the gameplay. Among them is the leveling up. It can be a bit hard to do. So, here are some ideas to help you level up faster. 

Leveling up based on the era 

There are three eras of the world of warcraft, which highlight the difference of location and option to level up. Those eras divide the levels of your players, which also indicate different ways or the best ways to level up based on its era. 

At the beginning, you will be in the classic eras. It is the era of noob, starting from level 1 to level 60. You will likely work around the starting zones and several newbies’ dungeons. 

In the TBC era, your leveling options are pretty much limited. You will be in this era as you reach level 60 – 70. Your best bet for leveling up are limited to several zones; Hellfire peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest, Nagrand, and Blade’s edge. 

At the WOTLK era, you will start from level 70-80. Again, the leveling is getting harder. The zones and dungeons are limited. Some are grizzly hills, Sholazar basin, storm peak and ice crown, Halls of stone dungeons, and so on. 

Tips and trick  

1. buy only spells you are using, don’t waste your money. 

2. buy a mount as soon as possible. 

3. get yourself Mage-made food, water, and tip them for cheaper consumable. 

4. don’t forget to visit the capital city every four levels to learn more spells. 

5. ditch long respawn time quests

6. if you are going for power-leveling, skip all leveling professions. 

It cannot be denied that the game is grind-heavy. You will spend a lot of time in the game, even though there are some tips or tricks in it. But if you are looking for help, you can buy our power leveling service in MMOPILOT. We well do the boring jobs.