PvE Raid Legendary Armor Account Bound Requirement – Guild Wars 2

Pve Raid Legendary Armor Account Bound Requirement - Guild Wars 2

Every Guild Wars 2 player needs to be aware of time gated, capped, or account bound items. When it comes to creating some legendary Armor, the PvE options do have a bit of situations in it. The thing is about account bound and limitation. 

Some items to craft the legendary armors are considered as account bound or restricted to the account of the players. It means if you want to get the items, you cannot simply change characters and use the same ingredients. What are those items? 

1. Legendary Insight 

Obtained from raids, and you need 150 insights. Unfortunately, there is a cap on doing raids and getting insight. The cap is around 25 to 30 per week. It means you need around 5-6 weeks to get the right amount. You can exchange divinations for the insight in the Lion’s arch aerodrome, but still not enough. 

2. Spirit Thread 

This item is time gated and also takes around 5 weeks to complete. You can only get it by defeating Gorseval in wing 1 once per week. 

3. Provisioner Tokens 

Another time-gated currency you need and can only finish around 10 days. You will need around 300 to buy the other ingredients. 

4. Crystalline Heart 

Crystalline hearts are made from ingot made out of several ingredients for its recipe. To get the ingot you need to have level 500 crafting, gather items and purchase items from trading posts. 

5. Mystic Clover 

You need around 90 mystic clovers which are only available from mystic forge with 30% chance to win, from daily login reward, buy from vendor, and reward track WvW/PvP. It is limited per day or per option, so you need to be patient. 

Each of those items is account bound ingredients for legendary armor. It can get even worse since some items are capped or time restricted. It makes the creation process get longer. 

If you find that situation is too much to do, get help from MMOPILOT. We will take care of anything from gathering to raids. Our professional game boosters are trusted and known for their quality. So check out MMOPILOT for more detail.  Â