Mutation Dungeon New World Guide – Level, Reward, And Scoring

Mutation Dungeon New World Guide - Level, Reward, And Scoring

Despite being one of the most important systems in the New World, the Mutation dungeon is arguably still among the hardest to complete. It has a unique mechanism, which put the game a bit more unique and challenging. But how about the level, scoring, and its reward? 

Mutation dungeon level 

The dungeon level dictates the difficulty of the content, it includes the number of modifiers for the mobs. New world locked this level with gear score, which means if you reach the recommended score then you are on par with the level. There are 10 levels, starting with gear 602, and raising 2 scores for each level.

Difficulty wise, all mutated expeditions will only be completed at level 60 with level 66 mobs in them. It makes the level similar to the Elite Overworld area. In each difficulty there is a higher challenge. In normal, there is mutation effect, the intermediate has mutation and promotion, and hard & elite has effect, promotion, and curse. 

Mutation dungeon scoring 

Unlike many other dungeons that you win if you kill a boss or reach the end, the mutation dungeon in New World use scoring system. The metric include, clearing time, normal and named enemies killed, harvested items, team wipes (reduce your point), and respawns. 

The more you got the better the price is. The score scales are starting from 20K for bronze, 25K – 49,999 for silver, and 50K for gold. 

Mutation dungeon reward 

The rewards include gear scores, higher gear score loot, and many other caches. But the change also depends on the mutation level and the score. 

Playing a Mutation dungeon can be a nice break or challenge for the player in both end or early game. For sure, it does need skills and coordination with other players. But the rewards are good and the game is unique every time you do. So, it is worth trying. 

But if you find the dungeon is too much to handle or work, consider our help. We can give you game boosting services with MMOPILOT services.Â