How to Get and Upgrade Corrupted Sliver in New World

How to Upgrade Corrupted Silver

Aeternum people, do all of you know about corrupted sliver? We know that you can find and farm sliver easily, but do you ever farm or gather corrupted sliver and upgrade it? Fortunately, we have a proper tutorial or guide to get and upgrade it. Check out the article below!

How Can We Get Corrupted Sliver in the New World?

You can get a Corrupted Sliver in New World by completing a Major Corrupted Breach and looting a Major Breach Cache, which is also random. Corrupted slivers are not found in every Major Breach Cache; they are exclusively found in such caches. Corrupted Slivers are not found in Minor Corrupted Breach Caches. Because minor corrupted breaches are easy to deal with, but because Major Corrupted Breaches are more challenging, it’s best to tackle them alongside companions. A group of five players is needed to do a Major Corrupted Breach, which gives players an idea of how hard these breaches might be.

Corrupted Sliver is useful for crafting Tuning Orbs in the stonecutting table. Access to new expeditions in which they can participate. Corrupted Slivers may also be merged to become Corrupted Fragments, which in turn can be combined to form Corrupted Shards. Corrupted fragments and shards are utilized to get high-level tuning orbs and further expeditions. Finally, players can utilize corrupted slivers in any way they choose at the stonecutting table, but it won’t help them make any of the greatest weapons in the New World.


Actually, getting corrupted sliver and upgrading it is quietly simple, but first of all, your account has to have stonecutting skill level 100 and stonecutting table tier 5.

How to Upgrade Corrupted Sliver in New World?

In our research, we found four kinds of corrupted sliver to upgrade for Aeternum people. We will share them down below:

  • First, Upgrade Corrupted Sliver to corrupted fragment. You’re going to need 5 corrupted sliver to upgrade 1 corrupted fragment.
  • Next, corrupted fragment upgrades to corrupted shard. You will need 4 corrupted fragments to upgrade 1 corrupted shard. Make sure you have collected it before.
  • Later, corrupted shard upgrades to corrupted crystal. You need one corrupted crystal. You will need 3 corrupted shards.
  • Last but not least, corrupted crystal upgrades to corrupted lodestone. Get ready for 2 corrupted crystals to upgrade into 1 corrupted lodestone.

Is it Difficult to Get Corrupted Sliver?

When you said yes, some players discovered that corrupted slivers are more difficult. But don’t you give up. Keep trying and sharing with the New World forum or other players when you find yourself stuck in the middle of corrupted sliver farming. Eventually, all problems will have solutions. So, we believe you are going to work it out.

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