Expertise And Gear Performance. What To Expect In A New World?

Expertise And Gear Performance. What To Expect In A New World?

As said that expertise does have connection to the gear performance, you will see that the farm and grind sure has its value in the New World. But how does it affect the gear performance? 

The Expertise Refer To Maximum Gear Score 

Your expertise explains your maximum gear level. If you start with an item in 500, but you kill and increase your level to get loot in 510, that means your expertise is 510. It also means several items in the same range will have the same 510 gear score. So it does not apply the other way around. 

Affect The Effectiveness Of The Gear 

The best thing to pinpoint is that the expertise level on your slot will affect your gear. If your expertise is lower than the gear level in the slot, it will be less effective. It likely is in the middle of your expertise and gear score of the item. 

For example, your gear score is 560 but your expertise is 500. It means the effectiveness will fall to 530, and give less effective function. 

Exception From Early Patch In 2022

If you are a veteran player and have some items, crafted, earned, or purchased before the early 2022 patch, then your gear won’t be affected with the change. This chance is mostly about scaling down to the expertise level, which is lower than 600. 

Most of your old gears or items will be fine and still have all of the details. It includes an effective score, benefits, all perks, and attributes.  

One thing for sure, expertise level is pretty important and has a big effect on your character. The higher your level is, the more likely you need to increase your gear score and its expertise. It means you will see the correlation mainly highlight on how expertise is almost equal to your gear score. 

But, increasing both levels will take time and effort. You will need gypsum cast for expertise and shard to level up the gear. It still needs some grinding to do. If you are looking for help in doing the dirty and boring job, check our MMOPILOT game booster service.