Best Hourly And Daily Lost Ark Guest Guides For Endgame Daily Account Play

Best Hourly And Daily Lost Ark Guest Guides For Endgame Daily Account Play

Daily account in Lost Ark is a blessing, but also a mess to do. It forces you or demands you to keep playing everyday to do some guest, daily mission, and all to gather more items for higher level. At the end game, your daily account guests have a pretty fun routine.

You can start with the hourly and daily Guest to do. But before you got to login every day, pay attention to the following details. 

Chaos Gates Only Available Once A Day Or Specific Day 

Chaos gates are the easy things to complete as there are many people doing it. But it is gated to once a day, and you will get notification if you are in the area. It can be completed in around 10-15 minutes. 

You Can Only Claim The Big Reward Once A Day

World bosses are another easy thing to do. You can defeat them easily and multiple times, but you can only get one reward. Don’t make this mission a priority, but you can work through them if needed or wanted. In other words, go for them if you find one.  

Pay Attention On The Reset Hour On Islands 

Going to islands for daily guests is fun, but some are gated or might have reseted every hour. One of the very tedious ones is the Lullaby islands which resets every two hours. 

You Can Complete Voyage Mission Many Times  

Co-op voyage missions are a good thing to do. You can complete it many times and you can earn Gateway keys items from this mission. This item is important or needed for several events, such as Gate of Harmony. This mission also rewards you with pirate coins or other currency. 

What do you want to do for your daily account? If you are not sure or cannot put more time in working with the grind, MMOPILOT can give you some help in many ways. It includes a professional game booster for several rare items or achievements.Â