Get Ready! Tempest’s Heart Expedition in the New World!

Tempest’s Heart Expedition in the New World!

Do you need some guidance about Tempest’s Heart Expedition in the game by Amazon Game Studios — New World? Well, you have a good guide. We have written a good guide based on our professional experience as players. Let’s get down to the guide!

What Do We Need to Know About Tempest’s Heart Expedition? 

Please take note that Tempest’s Heart Expedition is currently on the PTR, and you have to know about:

  1. Drops at Tempest’s Heart Expedition

You have to know about the expertise system, and you can get loot up to a maximum of 600 gear score. Here are some of the drops at Tempest’s Heart Expedition:

Gear: Blackguard’s Void Gauntlet, Blackguard’s Longsword, Potent, Sunrise Kiss, and Blackguard’s Bow

Resources: Sapphire Gypsum

  1. Location

Go to the twisted capital city of Myrkgard. Meet Isabella with enter the Tempest’s Heart Expedition as soon as possible. It is in Northern Shattered Mountain at the Northern tip of Myrkgard

  1. Types of Enemies and Maximum Damage

You will meet some corrupted enemies, and all of you will need damage types such as nature, thrust, and arcane damage. You can have it with an arcane weapon with collaboration corrupted ward potion, corrupted coating, corrupted combat trophy, and corrupted bane perk. You will need it to have higher resistance and maximum DPS.

  1. Get the Tuning Orb 

The Tempest’s Heart Tuning Orb is consumed by the player who initiates the adventure. Only one member of the party must have an orb. A Tempest’s Heart Tuning Orb can be obtained from the main story quest, crafted using the stonecutting profession, but the sadly fact is you can only craft 2 every 168 hours, or purchased from your faction merchant once every day.

The major questline quest that you must finish to gain the orb is called “The Heart of the Tempest.” Once you’ve completed the main story up to this point, you can get this quest from Yseult Meredith in Mountain Home.

  1. Quests that are repeatable

The Tempest’s Soul is a repeating quest for the Tempest’s Heart Expedition. You must be level 60 to accept this quest, which can be obtained from Mara Rosa in the cathedral just south of the expedition entrance.

  1. Hidden Chest

This dungeon contains a hidden chest mechanism. There are chests scattered around the dungeon that will grant you a sword (locations to be announced). These swords must be used on the sculptures throughout the dungeon. If you gather all of them, the dungeon’s final statue will reward you with an additional dungeon chest.

  1. Walkthrough/Boss Mechanics

She will turn on the corrupted monolith in the center of the chamber. There will be three corrupted pylons surrounding the monolith that you must close with your Azoth staff. To break the carapace, you will need to go into the corruption and fight it. When it’s broken, you’ll close it with your Azoth staff to finish the room.

Is There Basic Information that Players Need to Know?

Yes, we’ve got the basic information that you all need to know about Tempest’s Heart Expedition. The basic information for some players is that you need 5 players with a level of 60+ and a gear score of between 550 and 570, because it’s in an endgame, so you may have high expectations about the difficulty level. 

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