New World 2022 Guide: Gold Completion of Genesis

New World Guide: Gold Completion of Genesis

Have you completed “Garden of Genesis?” Maybe you will find an article containing a guide to the new world garden of Genesis, but have you ever read the guide to the new world gold completion of Genesis? If not, you are lucky enough that you found it now. From many pro players who played this game, we compiled some information regarding the gold completion of Genesis. Let’s read below!

How to Get the Gold Completion of Genesis in the New World?

Before we get to the answers to the questions above, it’s time for us to ask, Have you completed the expedition in the Garden of Genesis? If you haven’t, it’s natural that you don’t get the gold completion of Genesis. Because the condition for that is to complete the expedition in Edengrove, or rather, in the Garden of Genesis.

Like any expedition, you’ll need a Genesis Tuning Orb that you can craft or get. Then don’t forget to light a fire in the stone cups. So make sure you have azoth staff. There will be a boss who you need to beat. To get the Gold Completion, you need high mobility and speed. So we recommend that before you enter the Garden of Genesis Dungeon, make sure you check again what inventory you have brought, and make sure the armor you are using is not too heavy to support your mobility and movement.

Then you have to explore the Garden of Genesis and defeat all the existing bosses. Because there are many bosses that are slippery enough to kill, it’s not wrong if you dodge their attacks while looking for the weakest point of the existing boss.

When your mutation level gets higher, the umbral shards obtained will be even greater. This is directly proportional to the strength of the boss that you have to defeat. The stronger the boss, the harder the difficulty, but the more the umbral shards you can get. Umbral shards will be obtained from the results of mutated points based on the existing level. This is an important part to get Gold Completion.

So, for the score points, they are divided into 3 groups, namely, bronze, silver, and gold. If you have fewer than 20 thousand points, you are eligible for bronze; if you have points ranging from 20 thousand to 39,999, you are eligible for silver. And for gold, you can get it if you have mutated points above 40 thousand.

Here are the mutated shards,

Mutation LevelBronzeSilverGold

How to Get it Quickly?

You can collect high points quickly with some of our recommendations. This is not a recommendation to use bots or cheats that can get you banned. But this is a recommendation to use the right gear score to optimize point gain.

The following is a recommended gearscore and level of difficulty.

Level DifficultyRecommended Gear Score

In addition to gear score recommendations, we also have recommendations for defeating bosses with boosters who are experienced in fighting bosses, PvP, and leveling many trade skills. Like the Mmopilot boosting and leveling service, that will solve the problem with the boss without using cheats. Only use the original skills of the boosters who are pro players in the MMORPG genre.

Mmopilot is very popular, not only for boosting and leveling the new world, but also for a variety of other games–even the newest game from Amazon Game Studios, Lost Ark. Confidentiality of service users is guaranteed because Mmopilot has been in the world of boosting and leveling for a long time.

You can see Mmopilot’s various services and their reputation here!

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