3 Ways To Unlock Skill Points In Lost Ark

3 Ways To Unlock Skill Points In Lost Art

If you know how crazy and hassle it is to complete skill points collection in Lost Ark, you will be careful when playing. Remember, skill points are there to help max out your character stats. It comes as something you need to collect even in the endgame situation. So how do you unlock those skill points? To start with, learn the following method.

1. From Leveling 

The higher your combat level, the more skill points on the process. With that, you will has at least 252 points in level 50. As you reach level 60, you will get another 60 additional points with 312 skill points at max. You can get more from normal to greater skill points. 

2. Normal Skill Potion Points 

There are a total of 22 normal skill potion points you can collect in the game. Most of them are acquired from several ways, including Adventurer tome challenges, tower challenges, collectibles, reputation rewards, and several quests. 

3. Greater Skill Potion Points 

Greater skill potion is yet to be added than 5 options. It means, you will likely get the potions for additional 6 skill points from 5 sources. Those sources include collecting island souls, adventure tome, Ignea tokens, Omnium stars points twice in Nia village. There is a separate guide for both normal or greater skill potion points you can find in MMOPILOT.  

At the end of the day, Lost Ark put heavy emphasis on the leveling and the points mechanics. It makes the game need a lot of grinding for many reasons. At one point, you might have to backtrack to get more skill points. 

Believe it or not, it needs more commitment to play the game. It also needs time and effort. If you see too much to be done, check out our game boosting services at MMOPILOT. We might be able to help you for quick level or skill point gain. Â